Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Krakatau Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

In January of 1960 a group of scientist visited Anak Krakatau to record its renewed activity and to measure changes in the size and shape of the island. They observed explosive eruptions of pyroclasts from ash to boulders in size. This photograph shows a column of ash rising above the island. Rakata, a remnant of the volcano prior to the 1883 eruption, is in the background. In 1960, Anak Krakatau had a minimum diameter of about one mile (1.5 km) and was 545 feet (166 m) tall. A crater on the south side of the island was 2,000 feet (600 m) in diameter and contain a growing cinder cone 300 feet (100 m) in diameter and 150 feet (50 m) high. The new cinder cone formed in about a month and can be seen just below the ash column. Verlaten Island, near the top of this photo, is a remnant of the volcano that was destroyed by the 416 A.D. caldera collapse.
Explosive, Vulcanian-type eruptions occurred at 1/2- to 10-minute intervals. The largest explosions produced turbulent clouds of ash and lapilli that rose 4,000 feet (1,200 m) above the vent. In this photo a column of ash is rising about 1,500 feet (450 m) above the crater. This episode of activity, which began in December of 1959, ended in 1963. Anak Krakatau has had at least nine episodes of activity since 1963, most lasting less than one year. The most recent episode began in March of 1994 and has continued to at least March of 1995 (last reported observation). Activity is similar to the 1959-1963 eruption.


Krakatau volcano lies in the Sunda strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. In about 416 A.D., caldera collapse destroyed the volcano and formed a 4-mile (7-km) wide caldera. The islands of Krakatau, Verlaten, and Lang are remnants of this volcano. The eruption and collapse of the caldera in 1883 produced one of the largest explosions on Earth in recorded time (VEI=6) and destroyed much of Krakatau island, leaving only a remnant. Since 1927, small eruptions have been frequent and have constructed a new island, Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau). Image courtesy of the Landsat Pathfinder Project.

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

Krakatau Festival
Indonesia, with the capital of Jakarta is one of the most populous countries of the world. This country has about 17,508 islands. It is also the largest archipelagic state in the world. Indonesia is frequently visited by visitors not only from countries like India, Pakistan or other Asian countries but also from all other countries like USA, UK, France and other countries. This country is popular world wide for its exotic locations, sightseeing spots and also for its festivals and events. One of the popular festival and events in Indonesia is the Krakatau Festival.

Krakatau Festival is a festival, which continues for one week. People wait for the whole year to take park in this event. This festival mainly commemorates the eruption in the year 1883.In this eruption of Krakatau numerous people lost their lives. The death toll approximately rose to over 35,000 people. During the Krakatau Festival week many cultural programs are organized by the local artists. Sometimes some international artists also take part. The visitors can even enjoy the art and tourism exhibitions.
There are also some adventurous and recreation activities which are organized during the course of the event. Some of the recreational activities include boat races. In this boat race the visitors can see many boats with different colors and sizes sailing in the blue crystal water of Indonesia. Snorkeling is also the other recreational and adventurous activities, which are organized over here. While snorkeling during the festival the snorkeler get to see many colorful aquatic lives all around him. 

Kite competitions and running competitions are the other activities which are held during the week long Krakatau Festival. Moreover while on a tour to this festival the visitors can also embark on a tour to the volcano island, which is clearly visible off the coast of Lampung .one of the popular and renowned sights, which the tourists will come across, is the Krakatau Monument. This monument is generally an extremely large metal buoy, which was washed up in Lampung Bay after the tragic incident. There are also numerous other sightseeing spots and memorials related to the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption which can also be seen around the island. This Krakatau Festival is usually celebrated in the month of august. But this year the festival will be held from 8th July to 15th July, 2007.

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

Krakatoa Vulcano
The Mount Krakatoa is a volcanic island inhabited located in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatera  Indonesia (local spelled Krakatau).  Krakatoa erupted in 1883 is one of the most catastrophic natural events in recorded history. The eruption was equivalent to 200 megatons (MT) of TNT.  Its about 13,000 times the nuclear (13 to 16 kT) That destroyed Hiroshima Japan during World War II. The volcano literally blew itself apart, sending a column of ash and stone 80 km into the air. Ash fell on Singapore, and the entire region was covered in darkness for two days. Gigantic tidal waves over 40 meters high killed almost 40,000 people along the coast of Java and Sumatra.
In 1927 a new island volcano appeared. This new island volcano called Anak Krakatau (child of krakatoa). Its an active volcanoes and still growing up to now, with the elevation of  813 metres (2,667 ft). Currently Anak Krakatau is a national park,  A Permit is needed to visit this  area.  It can reachable in two hours by boat from Carita Beach or Anyer Beach (Banten Province) or three hours by boat from Canti (Lampung Province).
To visit Krakatoa don’t forget to bring your own life vest.   Beware of strong  and large waves usually from July to November while you visiting the volcano. Make sure you have travel insurance since anak krakatoa is an active volcano with the most recent eruption is in April 2008 which release  the rocks, hot gases and lavas.
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach
Pelabuhan Ratu beach is a three hour drive from either Jakarta or Bandung.   Travelling around Pelabuhan Ratu - Cisolok Village is about 15 km stretch of breathtaking, thick tropical forest cascade down steep hills to white sand beaches and the deep blue waters of the indian ocean.
Pelabuhan Ratu means Queen’s Harbor are popular with the myths about the legendary of Queen South Sea. Javanese locals do fear  the South Sea Spirit Queen who takes fishermen and swimmers to tje depth of the Ocean where the underwater palace is in her watery kingdom.
Currently Pelabuhan Ratu famous as a sport area for surfer mania with the perfect waves for  surfing. Several beach  famous for surfer; Cimaja Beach, Sunset Beach, Karang Sari Beach and Karang Aji Beach.
The four stars hotels, Samudera Beach Hotel is located 6 km from Pelabuhan Ratu.  Here room 308 is specially prepared for the legendary Queen of South Sea, its decorated with green furnishment which is the colour of  the Queen. Anybody can stay in the room for a while to meditate, pray, to ask some questions of spiritual matters.  Several other Hotels and Cottages are avaiable at moderate
Sawarna is located at the southern of Banten province. Sawarna can be reached by land using the Jakarta - Serang - Padeglang - Malingping - Bayah route, totalling arount 230 km, its taking around six hours. An alternative route is Jakarta - Bogor - Cibadak- Sukabumi- Pelabuhan Ratu - Cisolok - Sawarna. Sawarna is a secluded beautiful beach and a perfect place for weekend escape. The sandy beach, at first ghostly grey, turned a brighter shade of cream as the morning sun rose higher and its rays poked through coconut palms. The waves is attracted foreigner and locals surfers, its ideal to surf up. There are some place to visit in Sawarna, Pantai Ciantir, which stretches roughly three and a half kilometers from east to west, lies on a very shady bay, bound on the east by Pantai Tanjung Layar and on the west by Pantai Karang Bokor, which is within protected forest west of Sawarna. There’s another beach near Tanjung Layar beach that’s just as nice, Pantai Legon Pari, a beautiful empty beach.
Walking along the beach toward Tanjung Layar, The eastern end of Pantai Ciantir, adorned with natural stones and moss covered coral rocks scattered along the beach is a unique beauty. Another type of beauty came into view when a small hut on the edge of the beach, with two giant coral rocks shapped like a ship’s sail. One rock had a pointed top and the other a flat top, these rocks give the beach its name, Pantai Tanjung Layar or Sail Point Beach. These two rocks are on the surface of a broad reef that stretches roughly 200 metes from east to west and lies about 50 meters offshore from the white sand beach. The other offering panorama by Sawarna is caving, Several caves are there, Gua lalay is the popular cave, is unique in that its floor is a sandy river with slippery clay banks, while the ceiling is adorned with stalacites and bats’ nests. Please come and have the new adventure in the beautiful Sawarna.
Anyer Beach
Anyer is located on the western edge of the island of Java, Banten Province. From this beach you can see The Child of Mount Krakatoa  and the island of  Sumatera, separated by the sunda straits. Anyer has a beautiful sea sight with all activities such as speed boat, jet ski, sailing and other aquatic sports.  Anyer has many unique enchantments; amazing white sands, the deep blue sea attracts many divers around the world because its various sea lives are  completely perfect.
Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon National Park is located at the western tip of Java. It includes the volcanic island group of Krakatoa and other islands including Handeuleum and Peucang. The park encompasses an area of 1,206 km² (443 km² marine), most of which lies on a peninsula reaching into the India Ocean. Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the world national conservation declared by UNESCO as one of the world heritage site in 1992 for containing the largest remaining lowland rainforest in Java. Observe the natural tropical forest, if you try harder could found the rare single horn rhino, bird and muncang rusa. The grazing area of buffaloes, peacock and specific animal completed by beautiful island around for diving.

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia


For those of you in the busyness of daily work routine sometimes saturate, now saatnys and refreshing and your busy menhilangkan. We provide facilities for those interested in vacationing at the weekend with colleagues, relatives or even the visiting families of Mount Krakatoa, which lies on the sunda straits, and we offer packages with efficient and satisfactory service, you can share with others to save 50% the price of ordinary Carter. Come and visit the beautiful mountain krakatau that you can enjoy both worlds beneath the sea, with colorful ornamental fish and coral reefs around him. Package A Day trip from the beach in Carita berangkatkan using fast boat for a 1.5 hour drive. Arriving at Mount Krakatoa’s child, around, looking at the island that became part of Mount Krakatoa. Furthermore, down to the shore and climbed to the foot of Mount Krakatoa, to see the surrounding scenery from the Children’s Rise Kraktau.

AFTERWARD back to the Boat and proceed to Mount Rakata is located south of Anak Krakatau to relax and swim lunch chat with  corals and ornamental fish. afternoon about 02 hours into the boat in berangkatkan Carita on the way home, arrival and End trip. 1-5 price Parisipant price of 600.000, – 6-8 0rang 500.000, -
Note: if the departure will be collected at least 4 people Package includes: lunch, soft drinks, and norkling tools, guides have to be brought; 1.Sun 2.handuk block, 3.Topi 4.kacamata 5.camera
PACKAGE B and we serve the package 2 days 1 night, staying at around Mount Krakatoa in peraltan staying well equipped in providing breakfast, lunch and dinner. Participant Price 1-4 people 1000,000, -/person

PACKAGE C for the party’s group of companies that interested in visiting the mountain krakatau with a lot of us to provide a slow boat with a capacity for 15 people with power take 3 hours to travel to krakatau and 3 hours of departure AND RETURN. for which this katergori can reach a total of 10-12 hours of travel. Participant 1-10 0rang Price 500.000, – 400,000/person people 11-15 -

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

When the Krakatoa volcano called names, it’s almost certainly all people, especially citizens of Indonesia know the mountain. Even people overseas too many have been familiar with this mountain.
Historically, an astrologer from Italy had predicted there will be a massive eruption in 1883, which will come from the Krakatoa volcano.

The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano eruption in history as the greatest of his time. A burst of hot clouds and tsunami waves that arise due to the eruption caused tens of thousands of people losing their possessions and died. Eruption and shaking the earth with a devastating ocean surge was up to Alice Springs (Australia) and the African island of Rodrigues near a distance of approximately 4653 kilometers.
The researchers assessed, that the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano at 30,000 times the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan) when the second world war.
For those of you who like adventure, not complete until they’ve been stopping in the rest of the ancient mountain has a height of 2667 feet that is.

Situated between the islands of Java and Sumatra, south of the Sunda Strait, evidence of volcanic eruption of Krakatoa’s awesomeness until today can still be seen.
After the last eruption on August 27, 1883 (Source: Wikipedia), Krakatau volcanic activity may be regarded as likely to experience a period of decline, and no longer visible activity volcanology.

After the “deep sleep” for approximately 40 years, in 1927 at the site appeared a new mountain of the sea surface, called Anak Krakatau. The growth is slightly faster at 20 to 40 feet per year. Mount Anak Krakatau is classified in one of the mountains are active in Indonesia and always remove the hot mud.
Even the recent time, along with the eruption of volcanoi in Yogyakarta in October 2010 that then, Krakatau volcanic activity was likely to increase.

Travel to Anak Krakatau
Besides just watching the beauty of the mountains that never scandalize the whole world community because of the eruption, around this location now tourists can enjoy the attractions on Mount Krakatau adventures.
Like shopping in a supermarket filled with a variety of options, tourist charm here is very diverse, depending on your interests.

Some of the most popular tourist activities include snorkeling, hiking and camping Krakatoa on the beach to watch the sunrise in the morning. Nearby, there are island-Umang Umang is worth a visit, especially for those who pleasure dive.
Umang underwater beauty of the island with various types of fish are very interesting. To go there it takes about 2 hours from the dock at the port of Lampung south area. Island covering an area 50 × 50 square meters has a beautiful cluster of coral and white sand beaches are still fairly naturally.
If lucky, you will also see sea stars and sea horses among the coral reefs are still very clean. besides Lagoon can be visited Chili, an island near the island of Rakata. Here your eyes will enjoy the coral reefs and the farrago of fish is very good.

Waves at Mount Krakatau island area is quite large, it is no wonder when exploring tours in this location you will feel the shock waves are quite high.
Along the way, you’ll see the clear dome of Mount Krakatau are blackened in the distance.
For those of you who do not bring snorkel gear, you can rent it at a price ranging from Rp 50,000 full snorkel, fins, masks to life jackets.

Camping on the Waterfront
To better enjoy the mountain tourism in the area of Krakatau, a complete lack of taste if not continue the journey to the slopes of Mount Krakatau.
There is no dock on this island, therefore it is recommended that you do not wear pants. Because, when you’ll be heading to Mount Krakatau, the boat can not fully close to the edge of the island because the shoreline is too shallow. Therefore you have to come down from the ship as you go along in the water to reach the island.

Here you’ll see black sand beaches are concentrated. This condition is caused by the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau in the past.

Opening the tent or camping on the beach has a distinctive impression, do not like camping in the mountains because the air tends to be hot. However, the sea breeze and the sand and the waves roaring romp that became the main attraction.
To add to the warmth of the atmosphere, usually tourists who visit and open the tent on the beach has prepared a special menu, which is grilled fish dinner time to enjoy the day. Fish can be bought cheaply directly from the fishermen.

Peak Climbing
One reason for those who decide to stay at the seaside mountain other Anak Krakatau is not because I wanted to witness the sunrise.

To see it, the tourists are usually started at 4 am getting ready to climb Mount Anak Krakatau’s peak. Time taken only about 10-20 minutes, passing a few hundred yards that separated the coastal pine forest on the basis of the Krakatoa volcano dome of the ancient sand.
On the back of the sand dome, as far as the eye could see, you’ll see the spread of small islands scattered around Krakatoa.

When exploring the charm of mountain tours around the island of Krakatau, you must be ready and alert if, during the journey you will encounter some surprises. Starting from a group of dolphins suddenly appeared the surface, until the brunt of huge waves that make the boat adrift and wind from the sea off the Indian Ocean. In this condition you do not need to worry, because the owners of the boats have advanced to overcome them.

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

In the fourth century, a single marine volcano stood at this site, but in 416 A.D., the caldera of the volcano collapsed. Nestled between the large Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra is the Krakatau Volcano National Park. The remnants formed a new caldera, or volcanic feature formed by the collapse of land following an eruption, around 7 km in diameter, with the peak’s remnantPhotobuckets becoming the three islands of Verlaten, Lang and Krakatau.To those who are willing make a tour and interested in Natural processes,Krakatau is one fo the Fascinating area in the World.The cataclysmic of 1883 captures the imagination,and spectacclar Volcanic activity continous up to present.To those interested in Biology and the way island are colonized by Plants and Animals, not only the island from wich life was Eradicated by the 1883 eruption,but also the new island of Anak Krakatau,the area holds Unique Attraction.Krakatau consisting Three Outer Island of the present namely Krakatau group (Ancient Krakatau) these are ; Rakata , Sertung and Panjang.Anak krakatau is Among these three island .

Krakatau Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

Mount Krakatoa is a volcanic island found in Indonesia. Its most famous eruption in 1883 is one of the biggest in recorded history. You guessed it right; Krakatoa belongs to the Pacific Ring of Fire, the volatile horseshoe-shaped area bordering the Pacific Ocean.
Better known as Krakatau in Indonesia, its eruption in 1883 produced a series of tsunamis that smashed into 165 coastal villages in Java and Sumatra. 36,000 people perished when those giant waves hit. Most of those who were killed during the 1883 eruption, which lasted for two days (Aug 26 to 27), were actually victims of the tsunamis.
Some of the giant waves from that eruption, which rose up to 40 meters, managed to reach the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, some 7,000 km away. When the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (a.k.a. the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami) struck, it reminded the scientific community of the 1883 eruption because of the proximity of their points of origin.
The eruption also had a large impact on the global climate. On the average, temperature dropped by as much as 1.2ºC in the succeeding year. In the years that followed, global climates were very erratic, stabilizing only 4 years after.
Mount Krakatoa’s lava was known to be made of dacite or rhyolite. This explains the magnitude of its eruption. Generally speaking, volcanic eruptions are more explosive if their lava is composed of dacite or rhyolite. They are cooler and stickier than basalt, allowing them to accumulate pressure before being set free.
Although the 1883 eruption destroyed more than 60% of the volcanic island, a submarine eruption in 1927 produced a new island in its stead. This volcano is aptly called Anak Krakatau, which is Indonesian for “Child of Krakatoa”. Anak Krakatau’s radius is estimated to be 2 kilometers and rises up to a maximum height of 300 meters above sea level. Studies have shown in to be growing at a rate of 5 meters per year.
Before 1883, three volcanoes known as Rakata, Danan, and Perbuwatan combined to what then became Krakatoa island.
Mount Krakatoa is an example of a stratovolcano, a tall, conical volcano with multiple strata of solidified lava, tephra, as well as volcanic ash. These type of volcanoes typically have steep sides and usually erupt frequently & violently. Most of the popular eruptions have been made by start volcanoes. Other known star tovolcanoes are Mount St. Helens and Mount Pinatubo.
Indonesia is the country that holds the biggest number of active volcanoes, at 130. Iceland, another volcano-dotted country, holds about the same number (of volcanoes) but not all are as active as those in Indonesia.