Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Krakatau Tour And Travel Ecotourism Tour Indonesia

When the Krakatoa volcano called names, it’s almost certainly all people, especially citizens of Indonesia know the mountain. Even people overseas too many have been familiar with this mountain.
Historically, an astrologer from Italy had predicted there will be a massive eruption in 1883, which will come from the Krakatoa volcano.

The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano eruption in history as the greatest of his time. A burst of hot clouds and tsunami waves that arise due to the eruption caused tens of thousands of people losing their possessions and died. Eruption and shaking the earth with a devastating ocean surge was up to Alice Springs (Australia) and the African island of Rodrigues near a distance of approximately 4653 kilometers.
The researchers assessed, that the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano at 30,000 times the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan) when the second world war.
For those of you who like adventure, not complete until they’ve been stopping in the rest of the ancient mountain has a height of 2667 feet that is.

Situated between the islands of Java and Sumatra, south of the Sunda Strait, evidence of volcanic eruption of Krakatoa’s awesomeness until today can still be seen.
After the last eruption on August 27, 1883 (Source: Wikipedia), Krakatau volcanic activity may be regarded as likely to experience a period of decline, and no longer visible activity volcanology.

After the “deep sleep” for approximately 40 years, in 1927 at the site appeared a new mountain of the sea surface, called Anak Krakatau. The growth is slightly faster at 20 to 40 feet per year. Mount Anak Krakatau is classified in one of the mountains are active in Indonesia and always remove the hot mud.
Even the recent time, along with the eruption of volcanoi in Yogyakarta in October 2010 that then, Krakatau volcanic activity was likely to increase.

Travel to Anak Krakatau
Besides just watching the beauty of the mountains that never scandalize the whole world community because of the eruption, around this location now tourists can enjoy the attractions on Mount Krakatau adventures.
Like shopping in a supermarket filled with a variety of options, tourist charm here is very diverse, depending on your interests.

Some of the most popular tourist activities include snorkeling, hiking and camping Krakatoa on the beach to watch the sunrise in the morning. Nearby, there are island-Umang Umang is worth a visit, especially for those who pleasure dive.
Umang underwater beauty of the island with various types of fish are very interesting. To go there it takes about 2 hours from the dock at the port of Lampung south area. Island covering an area 50 × 50 square meters has a beautiful cluster of coral and white sand beaches are still fairly naturally.
If lucky, you will also see sea stars and sea horses among the coral reefs are still very clean. besides Lagoon can be visited Chili, an island near the island of Rakata. Here your eyes will enjoy the coral reefs and the farrago of fish is very good.

Waves at Mount Krakatau island area is quite large, it is no wonder when exploring tours in this location you will feel the shock waves are quite high.
Along the way, you’ll see the clear dome of Mount Krakatau are blackened in the distance.
For those of you who do not bring snorkel gear, you can rent it at a price ranging from Rp 50,000 full snorkel, fins, masks to life jackets.

Camping on the Waterfront
To better enjoy the mountain tourism in the area of Krakatau, a complete lack of taste if not continue the journey to the slopes of Mount Krakatau.
There is no dock on this island, therefore it is recommended that you do not wear pants. Because, when you’ll be heading to Mount Krakatau, the boat can not fully close to the edge of the island because the shoreline is too shallow. Therefore you have to come down from the ship as you go along in the water to reach the island.

Here you’ll see black sand beaches are concentrated. This condition is caused by the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau in the past.

Opening the tent or camping on the beach has a distinctive impression, do not like camping in the mountains because the air tends to be hot. However, the sea breeze and the sand and the waves roaring romp that became the main attraction.
To add to the warmth of the atmosphere, usually tourists who visit and open the tent on the beach has prepared a special menu, which is grilled fish dinner time to enjoy the day. Fish can be bought cheaply directly from the fishermen.

Peak Climbing
One reason for those who decide to stay at the seaside mountain other Anak Krakatau is not because I wanted to witness the sunrise.

To see it, the tourists are usually started at 4 am getting ready to climb Mount Anak Krakatau’s peak. Time taken only about 10-20 minutes, passing a few hundred yards that separated the coastal pine forest on the basis of the Krakatoa volcano dome of the ancient sand.
On the back of the sand dome, as far as the eye could see, you’ll see the spread of small islands scattered around Krakatoa.

When exploring the charm of mountain tours around the island of Krakatau, you must be ready and alert if, during the journey you will encounter some surprises. Starting from a group of dolphins suddenly appeared the surface, until the brunt of huge waves that make the boat adrift and wind from the sea off the Indian Ocean. In this condition you do not need to worry, because the owners of the boats have advanced to overcome them.

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